torstai 27. marraskuuta 2008

Respect to y’all, my people!

Awright, the recording sessions are over. The tracks are done. The art has been restored. The Dinosaur Metal Manifesto awaits to let to be heard all over the world. May our path be lightened with millions of blessings and prayers. May our path be victorious and filled with glory and praise!!

With this disturbingly religious-sounding opening, I give you the latest info from the camp of the fearless Dino Warriors. So now, back to the planet earth;
The mixing sessions are to be held in next week and the songs should be ready for pressing in the turn of December. Needless to say, once again, we are very pleased with the results. Our live energy has been managed to capture in tape, the way we haven’t managed to do yet.
After the basic tracks had been recorded, we took a two week break to rehearse the vocal parts. That practising paid off, because this time we had the easiest time recording the vocals. All the vocal tracks are second or third takes, whereas they might’ve been seventh or eight takes in the previous albums. Some songs have the most challenging vocal stuff that LS has ever done. With that in mind, we were quite surprised, how easily everything went. The recording of the vocals in total took only 3-5 hours to complete. And of course, with the shirts off.
The three song EP will not knock your budget down, since the price for it will be set around 3e’s.

So everyone - That goes for YOU too!!

Remember the album launch gig at Ravintola Lepakkomies in 12.12.08.
The stage will be shared with D.E.P. (That stands for Dead End Project). A cool band from
Helsinki that blends elements of punk and metal in their music. Plus their singer is one handsome hunk with his drive thru headset on. Check them out. Ticket prices are somewhere between 2-3 euros.

For the last, Lost Species salutes Tsibu from LP, who’s turning 30 this week. Good job bro!
I always thought that you wouldn’t turn even 21. We’ll be playing you some Aikuinen Nainen for your b-day.


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